Wednesday, October 6, 2010

getting used to it.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

lama-lama rasa mcm dah biasa hidup mcm ni. kerja, kelas dan semuanya [yang mana ada sesetengahnya harus dibiarkan confidential]. how to describe my feelings right now? ntah la. i don't know. rasa ada sedikit sedih. haha. whatever it is. that's how we are getting strong and stronger. right? Nope. you are wrong. I don't easily surrender to "hard time" circumstances. As time files, you are building concrete reasons to stand. "waves" of life really can shake your spirit "boat." Thinking. that's the key. find solution. Anas Razak please be spirited. Don't lose hope. Never give up. Maximizing efforts, du'a and everything. Trust the ability. Celik. Sedar. Focus.

Kadang-kadang terpikir juga sampai bila semua ni akan berakhir? xlama dah kot...

....dedicated to trOublEmaKer..................

.:: Sorry for ignoring you people. Jumpa lagi =) ::.


  1. eh, anas sekarang year bape n sem bape?

  2. 1st year 2nd sem. =)
    lewat 1sem dr korg aitu.

  3. owh..junior..;p
    hehe..wah!! blog da ade suare..peminat adamaya nampak..=)

  4. haha. haish ni yg kna abis kn cpt3 ni! blh je nk cpt kn stu sem tu..i'Allah..
    haha. adamaya best!pnah tgk kn?ada byk msg kt ctu..=)

  5. hehe..xpe2..blaja xperlu tergesa-gesa la..
    tgk Adamaya tapi pas da bis tayang kat tv..msg pe ek? menjadi husband y sempurna? ;p
