Friday, October 29, 2010

just mumbling

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

You know sometimes you just have weird people in your family, kinda problematic and always caused little-naughty-tinny-problem in your family cause of small matter. and that is me. the problematic me. i always a "problem cause" but not all. not a big problem. just in certain-certain  part of our family life. You know how big a responsibility can be, and the fact that you need to carry on burden on your shoulder alone as if you are the 1st in your family. I meant the oldest son in a family. Siblings, family, honour, the pride. Everything is under the shoulder of one person, a family hope, a me. The exact moment when you realize that you have to do something to solve all this matters is the exact moment you take an action. The question either you start working on it or not is another thing. You know sometimes you just got this kind of no concern attitude which is not suppose to be here, in yourself especially during crisis a.k.a crucial time [crisis and crucial are not the same but..whatever] . You realize it but then you can't do nothing [which is actually you know you can do but you just keep not doing that] , laziness. But then you will suddenly like wake up and say "Oh. I am late already!" and that is the moment you really-really wake up. consider yourself lucky if you still have time  and if not you still have time act. Just, don't waste time.

*smangat2. bru dpt msg kata-kata perangsang dr mak ayh td. he3

Thursday, October 28, 2010


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

two things that inspired me right now..

Motivasi terbaik buat teman-teman dan adik-adik yang akan menduduki final Exam UIAM.

Fatimah Ab Razak adalah antara pelajar terbaik UIAM (dari Kuantan), mampu berbicara dalam 3 bahasa dengan baik, diberikan pengiktirafan untuk memberikan ucapan di dalam majlis Konvokesyen.

Tidakkah anda mempunyai cita-cita utk melakar sejarah yang sama seperti beliau ? Bayangkan jika Fatimah itu adalah anda dan ibuayah beliau yang menitiskan airmata bangga dengan pencapaian anak itu adalah ibubapa anda ?

CLEAR VISION is not about you can imagine what you want, but it's a matter how deep you FEEL that imagination

and the story of..

"graduation is not the end, it is only the beginning..",kak Fatimah.

*insyaAllah. smOga dpt jadi mcm dia jgk nti..ameen. nama ayah dah sama dah. hehe.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

ketentuan Allah..

Lirik lagu drama Adamaya iaitu Yang Terindah - DakMie

Semenjak kau hadir dalam hidupku
Tiada lagi keresahan
Kau mengetuk pintu hatiku
Tanpa sedar hingga ku izinkan

Kau yang bernama cinta
Kau yang memberi rasa
Kau yang ilhamkan bahagia
Hingga aku terasa indah

Maaf jikaku tidak sempurna
Tika bahagia mula menjelma
Bila keyakinan datang merasa
Kasih disalut dengan kejujuran

Mencintai dirimu
Merindui dirimu
Memiliki dirimu
Hingga akhir hayat bersama kamu

Kau yang bernama cinta
Kau yang memberi rasa
Kau yang ilhamkan bahagia
Hingga aku terasa indah

Kau yang bernama cinta
Hingga aku rasa indah

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

salah satu sebab kenapa kalau boleh tak nak bercinta dengan orang yang dah pernah couple sebelum ni. pengajarannya jelas dalam cerita ni. di mana Maya masih lagi teringat-ingat kan/rasa sayang dengan  bekas kekasih dia, Dani. sedangkan dia dah ada/mempunyai seorang suami yang I guess terbaek la or  "ideal husband", iaitu Adam . Caring, bertanggungjawap, baik, apa lagi? Semuanya ada kat Adam lah. pandai masak algi kot. Seolah-olah dia (Maya) xreti bersyukur dengan apa yang dia ada. Namun, realitinya..bila seseorang tu dah ada suami, isteri..biasaannya dia akan focus kt family dia. Namun begitu, tak pelik kalau perkara-perkara macam ni terjadi juga dalam kehidupan seharian kita. just mintak jauh la bende-bende macam ni daripd terjadi, nauzubillah. sebab tu la perkahwinan ni bukan satu perkara yang main-main. nak kawin kena pilih betul-betul, pikir masak-masak dulu. kalau pilihan mak ayah pn ok tp at least kna la jgk thu sket psal future wife kta tu kan. kalau blh I want to be 1st in her life. tp rezki, jodoh dan maut tu di tangan Allah s.w.t. klau dah jodoh dgn org yang dah pnah couple pn nk bwt mcm mna kan. Just accept me as I am 1st in your heart. that's enough. anggap lah saya ni 1st di hati awk. bOley? haha. klau boleh [brpa byk klau blh ni?] sy nk jd 1st, awk pn nk jd 1st. haish. apalah penekanan sgt terhadap 1st love nih? apa2 pn destiny has been decided by Allah s.w.t. kena terima, redha dengan qado' & qada Allah. bersyukur. InsyaAllah, smoga berjumpa dengan seseorang yang Allah telah takdirkan. siapa-siapa sahaja lah. eish. tengah kalut-kalut nak final exam aku blh pkir bnde-bnde mcm ni lak kan. haha. heish. anas anas.. 


kot ye pn syg ex-bf tu.hargailah suami awk yg dpn mata tu..
syurgakan bwh tapak kaki suami.sejuk je mata tengok anak-anak..=)

smOga semua yang ada final tu slamat menjawap exam dengan jayanya..insyaAllah.

*umi&ayh. doakan spya abe blh jwp exm dgn cemerlang. luv u mom! luv u dad! and luv u too!! ntah sape2 la wei! haha.

Monday, October 25, 2010

KTD di hati kami..♫

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

feeling a bit sad when looking at my friends pics. bdk-bdk Kolej Teknologi Darulnaim (KTD) dulu. esp. geng2 coursemate dulu electric&electronic engineering. dorg semua dah grad. grad baru-baru ni kot. dlm bln 10 jgk. sbb nak datang uia sangat2 quit KTD kan. apa pn sangat2 bersyukur kerana diperkenal kan oleh Allah s.w.t dgn korg semua. Alhamdulillah. dorg dah grad. tumpang gembira jgk. nak ucapkan tahniah kt dorg, one-by-one tapi rasa segan pulak. mungkin dorg dah xingt siapa anas kan. takpelah ucap kat sini.

Tahniah Kawan-kawan..

smOga korg akn berjaya dunia & akhirat..insyaAllah..=)

tak pernah lupakan korg sebenarnya. terutama skali Muaz B. Ali. you always on top in my bestfren list!
and I just want you guys to know that i am very proud to have you guys as my friends. Lagi skali, Tahniah!=)

apa2pn. xnk menyesal..

I will do my best here. INSYAALLAH!

*KTD merupakan college franchise UTM, KUIS, Dublin Business School, Griffith, Southampton, Winchester, UK. course-course yang ditawarkan adalah diploma dari UTM. utk tahu lebih lanjut click sini.

Monday, October 18, 2010

smiles and random thinking.

intuition to long as you can't denied the feelings to eat the same goes with the feelings to always think to write something on your blog its like every second you got the ideas.that's what happened today.while walking on the street [well, uia's roads some sort of "road way" lookin] i was thinking "Oh. I think I'm gonna blog about this. Oh and Oh. another idea came." Its like "wht the hell happend to you Anas??"..haish.
and here I am. Hye everyone! Assalamualaikum...

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

you know [of course you don't] today while walking, rushing for halaqah class which is already late [Oh.but just for 15minutes] and before i went to the class I was stray. after 3sems here including 1short semester can you claim yourself still not familiar with this place? No. I don't mean that kind of stray la. act, I am not pretty sure whether my halaqah class was in the mosque or in the class. so, I was lookin for my halaqah class, firstly at the mosque. because this week it suppose to be in the mosque. but act it was in the class. last week also in the class but why this week as well? maybe because the lecturer want to finish the syllabus. well, that's not what I am going to tell you. when I was searching for my class, as usual the class will be at the level 4 in the mosque. when I opened the door I was surprised by a "bunch" of smiles of peoples. who are they? they all my friends. but in another section of know, that smiles remind me of how grateful i am to have them as my friends.


the second is random thinking of me. because this posting was postponed before so I a bit lost the exact feelings that time. that random thinking feelings. I saw many girls during my way back to mahalah so to think while walking is not something weird. moreover, you have Aql to think right. that's the best gift from Allah s.w.t. I was thinking about spouse. haha. as I said before, I saw many girls. so, its like "hey, I don't think that I need to find one right now, look...girls are everywhere. and I think I will get one someday, InsyaAllah. so, I walked with happy and confident that day. haha." You know, so it is no need to rush for something like this. who is she or he already decided by Allah s.w.t. most of the couple right now in my point of view I don't think that they are seriously enough with their relationship. Its more likely to have someone to be with at the current time and not for the sake of marriage. Playful and how Naughty you guys huh? haha. 

Mak Ayah mesti kecewa kalau tak belajar betul-betul..=)

*tringat plak ada perempuan pandang dia dlm bank Muamalat aitu.pandang skali lebey!hai.bikin neves dia lawa jgk. haha

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

getting used to it.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

lama-lama rasa mcm dah biasa hidup mcm ni. kerja, kelas dan semuanya [yang mana ada sesetengahnya harus dibiarkan confidential]. how to describe my feelings right now? ntah la. i don't know. rasa ada sedikit sedih. haha. whatever it is. that's how we are getting strong and stronger. right? Nope. you are wrong. I don't easily surrender to "hard time" circumstances. As time files, you are building concrete reasons to stand. "waves" of life really can shake your spirit "boat." Thinking. that's the key. find solution. Anas Razak please be spirited. Don't lose hope. Never give up. Maximizing efforts, du'a and everything. Trust the ability. Celik. Sedar. Focus.

Kadang-kadang terpikir juga sampai bila semua ni akan berakhir? xlama dah kot...

....dedicated to trOublEmaKer..................

.:: Sorry for ignoring you people. Jumpa lagi =) ::.