You know sometimes you just have weird people in your family, kinda problematic and always caused little-naughty-tinny-problem in your family cause of small matter. and that is me. the problematic me. i always a "problem cause" but not all. not a big problem. just in certain-certain part of our family life. You know how big a responsibility can be, and the fact that you need to carry on burden on your shoulder alone as if you are the 1st in your family. I meant the oldest son in a family. Siblings, family, honour, the pride. Everything is under the shoulder of one person, a family hope, a me. The exact moment when you realize that you have to do something to solve all this matters is the exact moment you take an action. The question either you start working on it or not is another thing. You know sometimes you just got this kind of no concern attitude which is not suppose to be here, in yourself especially during crisis a.k.a crucial time [crisis and crucial are not the same but..whatever] . You realize it but then you can't do nothing [which is actually you know you can do but you just keep not doing that] , laziness. But then you will suddenly like wake up and say "Oh. I am late already!" and that is the moment you really-really wake up. consider yourself lucky if you still have time and if not you still have time act. Just, don't waste time.
*smangat2. bru dpt msg kata-kata perangsang dr mak ayh td. he3
*smangat2. bru dpt msg kata-kata perangsang dr mak ayh td. he3