Thursday, September 30, 2010


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

you know life isn't as easy as we thought.there's hindrances that we need to overcome. I do believe in myself that I have the capability to achieve dreams that I want. It is just the matter of time and how I should be consistent and persist towards maintaining efforts, dua' and parents bless. yes. it is true. sometimes, you might feel lazy, morally down or sorta giving up. but. hey. wait. you got to show something to them. time is still on. people keep criticizing you as they don't know how far has you had been going through this life, what had you facing everyday, and what you can do actually. they don't know. and like always. always judging people through appearance. through what they saw outside. not inner. they are the real failure. you gotta believe in yourself, be confident, ambitiously strike the future. remember people's hope and never disappoint them. never ever fail to put smile on their face and make them happy eternity. you got to be kidding when you say "Oh. I can't do this. its too difficult" because you actually know what you can do is more than that. we might not have the superpower like superman but you do got super-thinking. exactly, the way you think positively will lead to unstoppable machine-hardworking-gun. shoot the tunnel-tunnel of laziness. aim reasons of failure. and Bang! there you go a bullet of success. you can't hope for magic cause you yourself already a magic.
“Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen.” ~Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer.
~ Albert Einstein 

Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.~William Jennings Bryan

In the province of the mind, what one believes to be true either is true or becomes true.~John Lilly

Readers are plentiful; thinkers are rare. ~Harriet Martineau

Life is a risk. ~Diane Von Furstenberg

The best way to predict the future is to invent it.~Alan Kay

Wisdom doesn't automatically come with old age. Nothing does - except wrinkles. It's true, some wines improve with age. But only if the grapes were good in the first place.
~Abigail Van Buren

If youth only knew: if age only could. ~Henri Estienne

put all the positive things into one's mind. and InshaAllah. you will be rewarded. escaping the shadow of failure, grasping success?i am in.

A failure never fail to try. ~ Anas Razak.

Monday, September 27, 2010

perasaan itu.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Setiap kali raya. kalau belek paper. xkira la Berita Harian ke. Utusan ke. etc. mesti ada salam perantau kan. best je tengok dorg. paling best tengok gamba then baca Univ mana. pastu ada kt negara mna. course kadang2 mention kadang2 tak kat gmba2 tu. biasanya raya Idulfitr la ada salam perantau nih. raya Aji jarang [xde pn rsanya] kat bawah ni antara contoh gamba2 yg ak amik kt internet smata2 nak post kat sni.

Univ. of Surrey. United Kingdom, England.

xthu kt mna.baju nak tebal je.

Wellington, NZ.

xthu kt dia ni mcm cun.

ada flag Malaysia siap.

tgk cara pakai.kt Mesir agaknya.


smart skali.

xclear tp nmpk sopan.bgus.

kt negara Arab kot.

hijau itu menenangkan.


pic pmpuan ni..

and pic laki ni mcm kna. so, ak pn amik letak. moga korg ada jodoh. ha3


dan kawan2.

dan ramai jugak yang dah kawin and dah ada anak. samada dorg kawin kt sana atau kawin kat Malaysia then baru pegi sana. itu xthu lah. tp still menetap di luar negara. mungkin atas dasar kerja atau apa2 sahaja. seronok tgk pic2 family. tgk kt bawah ni.

dh ada 2org ank.kecik2 lagi.

kt mna eh?tetanya2.

sbb amik pic ni. background dia Kaabah. Baitullah al-Haram

Dorg ni husband&wife or lovers? nice =) pic yg betul2nya. td yg cari2 cmtu je. ni yg membe. Hazwan a.k.a Awah Baek. dia yg berada di tgh skali. yg pakai sweater tu. yg bajet mcm tgh kulum lolipop tu. haha. [tak pn tgk je 3 dari kanan yg berdiri sahaja]  TESL, Univ. of Wellington, New Zealand.
Ni plak. Safwan Ibnu Mohd. [pic dia 3 dari kanan tu] xthu la degree dia pangil apa. Qiraat katanya. lebih kurang Arabic jgk la kot. ntah. Univ. al-Azhar, Egypt.

genap 2 tahun dia dok Mesir. balik bercuti. dtg lepax bilik ktaorg jap sblm & slps raya aitu. kt Uia ni. mcm2 prangai baru yg dia bwk. haha. wan.wan. xkesah la wan prangai ko mcm mna pn. yg penting ko kwn ktaorg. hrini bru g anta dia nk blk Melaka balik. 5th Oct nanti dh nk g Mesir balik katanya. I'Allah sempat jumpa b4 ko naek flight nanti. Elok-elok Wan. =) 

ak amik pic ni sbb rsa pemandangan dia indah sangat.

 korang tahu tak dalam hati aku kata apa bila tengok pic2 oversea macam ni?
"Panas sial!!tengok pic2 oversea ni. I'Allah. satu hari nanti ak mesti dapat pegi abroad jgk. I'Allah!!"
mesti. aku akan tutup paper tu. baca buku. haha.

Anas Razak. Univ. of Edinburgh. Glasgow, Scotland.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

what should come 1st.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


rsa lega gle lpas abis last paper mid smlm. intro to political science. rsa cam nak menjerit gle-gle ah! soklan? overall ok. I'Allah. ramai yg kata, "Poli senang je.lex ah". senang? rsa cam nk menjerit je tym jwap tu. haha. tp I'Allah ok. klau xbca sgt pn sbnrnya soklan dia cam agak direct. tp of cos la kna bca kn. at least thu la sket. huh. settle that part. 

mid dah settle. final belum. in the middle. I got 2 assignments and 1 take home test. Yatta~!! assignmnt Prophetic ngn Poli. take home test Soca. alamak. minggu depan ada satu lagi present la pulak kan? Ethics! suddenly its like "everything should be done now ". Let's take a look what is the dateline for those things; 

Term Poli = 5th Oct 2010
Prophetic = next week
Take Home Test = next week
Present Ethics = next week

take home test ngn present mungkin slamber je. prophetic, struggle la sket. paling last term poli. tp kalau buat lewat nanti xde bahan reference la pulak. bru la tecari2 no ID buku2 kat library tu kan. huh.
Ape-ape hal pn. bnde-bnde macam ni la yg membuatkan Uni's life is Unique right? student's life taught you to be more gallant and resilient towards facing the life challenges. I know people busy finding their "soulmate" right now. but for me, let just say. I'm capable enough to think that  what should come 1st and what should come second. the way you think normally, will reflects your action. you can relaxing, eat cookies and drink coffee in the serene morning if you want but student's life is not that easy. you wake up early in the morning, you get classes, you get lectures, assignments, quizzes, presentations and everything that make you "a student". Ignoring unnecessary act for a while. focus and realize something in front of you, the present of time. You got responsibility, peoples hope, and your ambition as well. If you not gonna do something for yourself, then who else will? don't ask me but ask yourself. Use your youth to achieve dreams and make it reality. 

Wisdom doesn't automatically come with old age. Nothing does - except wrinkles. It's true, some wines improve with age. But only if the grapes were good in the first place -
Abigail Van Buren.

Its your choice, your decision.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

hari ni rasa terbaik jika..

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

hari ni rasa terbaik jika..

-sempat bangun awal buat tahajud, tasbih, taubat, sunat hajat, istighfar sket..

hari ni rasa terbaik jika..

-stay-up sampai subuh. solat subuh tepat pada masanya..

hari ni rasa terbaik jika..

-kalau ada moto lagi baik. boleh g solat kat masjid. klau tak. kat bilik pn jadi.

hari ni rasa terbaik jika..

-balik masjid. baca quran sket. sehelai sehari pn xpe. asal baca. paling malas pn baca la satu ayat. 

hari ni rasa terbaik jika..

-lepas buat semua tu. baru rasa tenang nak study. bersemangat dan mendapat redha Allah. InsyaAllah.

hari ni rasa terbaik jika..
-cuba tengok kat luar tingkap. renung2 kan lah kebesaran Allah. pkir knpa kita dijadikan. muhasabah.

contohnya macam hari ni..=) 

* Jgn lupa slawat 10x sehari. syafaat utk kita diakhirat kelak serta memberatkan timbangan amal. InsyaAllah.

Friday, September 17, 2010

perihal mesin basuh.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

Wah. hari ni awl gle bangun. lepas smayang subuh trus amik kain baju apa sume. nak basuh. haha. 
memang telah sedia maklum bahawa mesin basuh kt block G, kat tingkat 1 ni rosak. tulah satu-satunya mesin basuh yang ada kat block ni. atas sbb tu jgk la. kna g basuh kat block seblah. hampeh. "mna peginya mesin basuh kat block ni?" tbe2 mesin basuh kat block F xde. block G rosak, block F xde. nak tak nak. pegi la kat block paling ujung skali. block E. ada! tp knpa gelap? lampu rosak. takpe lah. bkn nak lampu, nak mesin. masuk kan 10sen. aik? knpa numb xgerak? masukkn 10sen lg. xgerak jgk. Ok.blah. haha. kalau dah smpai 2hengget xgerak2 jgk mati ar aku. haha. last-last pegi block D. mesin ada, lampu pn nyala. Alhamdulillah. boleh basuh baju. td otw nak g block D tu, tbe-tbe tnmpk mak cik cleaner. dorg bru smpai. "eh.ak buat keje awal gle hrini." haha. sbnrnya, basuh baju pagi-pagi ni senang. xramai org pkai machine. semua nak bangun pkul 1,2 tghari je. 7,8 pagi tanak bangun. [mcm la dia salu bgun awal sgt.kadang-kadang tu tido jgk pagi klau ngatuk sgt.he3] sbb tu la rezeki murah pagi-pagi ni. rajin-rajin kan lah juga buat solat sunat dhuha. InsyaAllah. murah rezki. salunya basuh baju amik masa sejam je. xlama. klau start awal, awal la abis. lewat, lewat la abis.
Lepas settle letak sume baju dlm machine tu. sejam? lama jgk kn. mcm-mcm boleh buat. balik bilik dlu lah. suddenly, terserempak la dgn syedo yang baru nak punggah barang kuar kete. beraya lah skejap. dia baru sampai dari Jb. alang-alang aku dah kat situ. dia suh tolong dia jap. punggah barang-barang dia wt naik bilik. dia block ak jgk. tp tingkat 2. nsb baik tingkat 2. dia bwk computer. bkn laptop. computer. yang classic punya Intel 1993 ke klau xsilap dia gtau. then tolong la dia. ktaorg sama-sama pasangkan computer dia tu. lagipun aku xde apa nak buat dalam masa sejam tu. alang-alang. tolong la kan. punggah punya punggah, tolong punya tolong, borak-borak sket. dah dekat sejam rupanya. "Wah.. kain aku. mesti dah siap." Niat nak baca notes dalam sejam tadi. tp takpelah. xrugi pn tolong org kan. settle semua. kain pn dah jemur. tunggu kering je. buat keje awal ni sbnrnya memudahkan keje kita. Oklah. ntah apa-apa yang ditulisnya. Itu shja. 


*rasa nak xthu nak g mna.dgn siapa.ahh.baca notes jelah.

naik cuti.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

nak dijadikan cerita, naik cuti ni rupa-rupanya ada cerita menarik yang berlaku. I got 2 fines. haha. menarik ke?

ceritanya begini, [<--apahal classic sangat?] 

hari ni terdetik la hati nak check saman tertunggak dengan library Iium ni.walhal memang dah tahu pn akan ada saman tertunggak dengan uia ni sebab before balik cuti raya hari tu xdapat nak renew dua lagi buku yang dipinjam ni. 2 bijik buku ada fines setiap satu rm2.40. so, 2.40x2..?? iye..rm4.80. nasi kukus pn rm4 je. tu yang memang dah tahu. tp ada lagi yang xtahu menahu. selaku student uia la kn. kalau dah boring dengan facebook tu, last-last bukak jugak myIIUM portal. haha. IIum la katakan. click sana click sini tiba-tiba sampai part compound, dia tulis macam ni 

1 record(s) found ! Details as below :

tengok bawah, 

No.SessionOffence DateComp. #DescAgencyStatusFineDue

12010/2011/106-SEP-201014161parking at reserved parkingSECURITYUNPAID502010-09-23

waahh..bila plak?dengan motor pn xde.salu pegi balik class jalan kaki je.kadang-kadang rush, lari ar sket g class, sampai bepeluh-peluh kat class. Eh.tetibe ada bende ni lak kan..kesalahan salah parking lak tu.ada ke kaki pn boleh salah parking?? haha. lucu je bila pikir..
lagi pn saman tu bertarikh 6/9/2010. walhal 3/9/2010, malam tu ak dh betolak balik rumah. 6hb tu ntah-ntah tengah tido ape?haha

sebenarnya, dulu time short sem ada la pinjam motor sorg membe ni. bukan cham. tp aiman. aiman yang mana? lah orangnya.30juzuk dale palo tu.ore klate jugok.aimey ni kemah orenyo.huhu.mojoring in psychology.jange maroh eh mey?he3
"aiman xkesah"

ni lah tuan punya motor tadi.short sem aitu.pakai moto dia, tp register nama saya. so, u got my point or not?? [<--lctrer class ethics ska tnya camni]. aiman xde short sem sbb dia ada wataniah. that's why la class bm kt engine dlu blh ulang alik pakai moto. nak jalan-jalan pn best ada moto ni. tp yang xbest nye bla kna saman la. 

As I thought, sebab dulu register under my name. so, sem ni kena saman pn under my name la. xkesah. membe-membe punya pasal. 50hennget je pn. Banyak la! haha.  

Langkah sterusnya, tunggu jelah dorg ni balik 19hb nti. sbb skrg masih cuti lagi. apa-apahal. bincang kemudian. InsyaAllah. 

sedar tak sedar. eh dah pukul 6. ko buat apa anas xsmayang lagi?ish3. 


*tadi check balik try nak renew buku-buku yang masih ada lagi ni tapi dia kata "Override required to exceed unseen renewal limit." dan yang paling best skali due date dia hari ni jgk..terbaek

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Its just beginning..

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Normally people will introduce themselves and talk about themselves at the beginning of their blog but me? Let say, we do something differ. Let just start with stories..

It is an honor to have a blog. Here you can write everything that crossed your mind. I always think "Oh, today..something good happened. It would be fun if I can share it with others" but then it just lost by time as I don't have time and a blog to write something that I want to say. [I do have wordpress but I want too blogspot. two is better than one right?]. So, read next.

Hari Raya.

how to describe this? hari is fun to be together with our family. appreciate time that we have with them while we can have it. I always love to be with them cause they are causing me a feeling of responsibility, appreciation and grateful. responsibility as I need to take care of my siblings, helping mom and dad, and act like a big Bro. appreciation as while u still have your mom, your dad, your naughty&funny siblings..appreciate them. grateful as you always pray that God will keep them longevity. also, it is time to gather among your schoolmates, relatives etc. of course there certainly will have holidays if there is Hari Raya and during Hari Raya people will went back home.

1st day; 
as usual, people came to our house and we can't go anywhere except in the area of neighborhood that close to our house so that we can get back a.s.a.p to our house if people coming.

2nd day;
went back to father's village at Machang,Kelantan because there was a family gathering [father's side] for about half of a day?it was too short and makes me can't go anywhere except area that close to Paksu&Maksu's house.then we got back home.totally exhausted but "they" still switch on the PC and played Mario All Stars game til midnight.*they=siblings., guilty as well.

3rd day; 
going usual, people came again but this time not as many as the 1st day.

4th day; 
my friends and me planned to visits our "long long time no see" classmates during secondary school. and we went to Izati's house, Atmam's house, Sue's house and lastly Ida's house [here, 1st time I ate fruits called "buah Pulasan". Its like "buah Rambutan" but the skin are differ]. I guess that was my 1st time I went to many places during Hari Raya myself. *because usually he will just sit and sleep at home after Idulfitr prayer and eat "kueh raya" while watching TV.

5th day;
my last day at home. so, I try to make the best of it. *by finish Mario All Stars game world 7 but failed cause the upper level are increasingly difficult. then packed the goods and everything just done after maghrib prayer. Today was departure to Gombak campus. I don't know what is exactly my feelings that time.happy?sad? I don't know.maybe normal and get used to it.

Arrived in IIUM, Gombak.

yes. we have arrived in IIUM, Gombak at 7.55am on 15 Sept 2010. I didn't have class on that day but my sis did. even if I have class, my class will start at, a bit unlucky to my exhausted sis cause she got class at 8.30am. for me, I think I can get enough rest before we start back our class on Monday, which is next week. and get to prepare for the another last midterm, politics on 22nd Sept.

I think that is all for today. As I really want to write what had crossed my mind. so, that is it. a part of what is happened today and a day before.

* InsyaAllah. I will introduce myself later.
